Friday, August 28, 2009
I moved to new location le..cos blogger dun let me upload photo!!
Now is RELINK ME!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Went to take the circle line..
Not bad not bad..
Bring my younger sis out for lunch..
have been tryiong to fulfill my role as sister..
yup..role performance..
using MOHO models to frame my occupation..
will be under my
My sis.. ^^She look Cute in this pic..yup..cos i took one ma..LOL. ^^We shared a remen..i no choice..LOL.Me!!! ^-^
last MONDAY was so COOL..
we watched 3 FULL movies in sch..
super NICE!!
For psychology disorder..
we watched the beautiful mind (to learn abt schzo)..
the movie really let me understand more abt the symptoms..
Another one is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest..
dark movies..tell us abt the insituational life..ermm..quite old show..
But ok la..still not bad..
This show is shown by another lecturer teaching us "Occupational therapy theories"
sad movie..many of my classmates cried..yup..but i a bit cold blooded..
LOL.. ^^
Tuesday with Morrie.. ^^ NICE DAY to start a week..LOL..
Friday, May 29, 2009
My gp turn to present this week..
stress to the max..
so no photoss..LOl..
butt managed to take the next gp de..
my honey's gp..LOL..
They doing stress management n how OT can aid in it..
not bad..
Sharing session abt good stress or bad stress.. Main Activites: Guess the calories game!!My lao po n I..haha..we same gp work so both of us quite happy when we finished's hand behind us..LOL.. ^^ Yup!!
Went to help out for grad day..LOL..
So NICE!!Gp Pics!!
This week group work was also very fun..
We have the game SURVIVAL!!!
The game is that they are people thrown into a jungle..
they need each other to survival..
but how shd they do it??
Sit in circle to decide who is going be leader..Each give themselves a new identity such as superman, harry potter, the rock, tarzenFun role playing ^^
The next gp did a reminiscence therapy..
Each of us draw a coin from a tin and
We need to draw what we rmb the year
SO NICE RiTE!!Mine is the 2004..LOL.. ^-^
Had a great time!!
Have some photo fun before our palpation lesson..
cos dee have a super big sun glasses..
Charmaine n my honey grace..HonEY!!My lao po n charmaine..My CUTE lao po!!! ^-^
Have a great time in our "intro to mental health" tuitorial..
very fun exploring all the assessments..
Fun DAY!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Went with Claire, pk n yu hui to TREE TOP..
We reached at 8 30 pm..
The Sky is soooooo NICE!!Beautiful rite..Claire n pk setting up camera for photo taking..their camera are all pro de..Dun look like spore at all.. ><
Yu hui!!Three pretty gal n scenery.. ^^Still trying to fix the camera stand..Trees are so BIG!!